$4,500.00 USD

Terms, Conditions & Fulfillment Policy


Richard C. Howard LLC. owns dodcontract.com and all membership, training, coaching and consulting services.

By enrolling in the DoD Contract Academy membership, The Veterans Consultant Accelerator, and/or coaching programs, GovClose CRM, subscribing to services offered by us or our partners, or engaging with any other program, product, or service we provide, you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions, including our fulfillment policy.

1. Fulfillment Policy

The Government Contract Roadmap is fulfilled after the final presentation of your roadmap is delivered. Other services are primarily digital and include consulting, coaching, and training programs delivered online. Upon purchase , you will receive immediate confirmation via email with details on how to access the services. All on demand training  such as the DoD Contract Academy & The Veterans Consulting Accelerator grant instant access to training materials and data upon enrollment.


2. Intellectual Property Ownership

(a) Our Content: All content on our site, including all digital products, training materials, and resources, remains the property of Richard C. Howard LLC or its content suppliers. Unauthorized use, copying, redistribution, or publication of any content is strictly prohibited.

(b) User Supplied Content: By participating in forums or interactive areas, you grant us a royalty-free license to use, modify, and display your content, subject to our terms and policies.

3. Refund and Cancellation Policy

(a) General Policy: Due to the digital nature of our services, we generally offer no refunds. Once a service has commenced or access to digital content has been granted, it is considered fulfilled.

(b) Extreme Circumstances: We understand that extreme circumstances may arise. If you believe your situation warrants a refund, please contact us directly at [email protected] or (781) 879-8797 to discuss your case on a one-on-one basis.

(c) Cancellation: Members may cancel subscriptions or memberships with 30 days' notice. Please note, access to digital content ceases immediately upon cancellation.

4. Delivery of Services

All services are delivered digitally via email, online platform access, or through web-based applications. Specific details regarding access and use will be provided upon purchase or registration.

5. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability

(a) DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES: Services are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Use of our services is at your sole risk.

(b) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: Richard C. Howard LLC shall not be liable for any indirect, consequential, or special damages arising from use of or inability to use our services.

6. Miscellaneous

(a) Data Mining Prohibited: Unauthorized data mining, scraping, or similar data gathering and extraction methods are strictly prohibited.

(b) Compliance with Laws: You agree to comply with all applicable laws regarding your use of our services.

(c) Indemnification: You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Richard C. Howard LLC from any claims resulting from your use of our services.

(d) Changes to Terms: We reserve the right to make changes to these terms and conditions at any time. Continued use of our services after such changes constitutes acceptance of the new terms.

7. Contact Information

For questions or concerns regarding these terms, our services, or for assistance with any issue, please contact us directly at [email protected] or call (781) 879-8797.

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The Federal Sales Roadmap

A custom, step by step plan for winning government contracts!

Get Lt Col (Ret) Ricky Howard's eyes on your business.

We will personally: assess your offerings, align them with government need, identify annual revenue targets based on federal spending, provide top 3 federal offices to target, and wrap it all up in a step by step roadmap that you and your team can execute to start winning government contracts

What's included:

1. Deep dive assessment of your business and the solutions that you offer.

2. Determine federal spending and requirement specific to your solution.

4. Top 3 federal agencies to focus business development/sales (who buys what you sell),

5. Preferred government purchasing procedures specific to your product or service (how they buy

what you sell). This will inform if you need to focus on subcontracting, using resellers,

competing as a prime, obtaining GSA etc.

6. Certifications and niche areas that emerge during our research that will make you more


7. Sales strategy designed for your business.

8. Revenue targets you can realistically expect based on federal spending analytics and competitor


9. M-F email support for 30 days from Richard C. Howard & Associates to answer questions

specific to this assessment.

Investment: $4500

*Once purchase is completed we will reach out to schedule a 60-90 minute deep dive session.