Foreign Military Sales : My 7 Day Adventure!

dod contract academy foreign military sales how to get government contracts richard c. howard Dec 12, 2023

Securing government contracts isn't just about paperwork and proposals; sometimes, it involves unexpected adventures that take you across continents in a whirlwind. Let me take you through an incredible journey from responding to a sources sought to an impromptu trip to the border of Ukraine in less than a week!

It all started with spotting a sources sought on that aligned perfectly with the tech I was offering. This particular opportunity was specific to a Foreign Military Sale (FMS), where the U.S. military contracts with partner nations for technologies, weapon systems, or training.

But before diving into drafting a response, I took the initiative to reach out to the contracting officer listed as the point of contact. It's crucial to understand the full scope of these opportunities, as sometimes, the requests don't encompass all the details they're seeking.

The government's response directed us to submit a capability statement and a brief write-up. Leveraging an AI writing tool, Rogue, we swiftly assembled the submission, submitted it, and within a blink, received the news—we were down-selected.

This wasn't just about paperwork; it was time for action. We were requested to set up a briefing and a demonstration of our technology. The catch? It was in Europe, and time was of the essence. Flights were booked in a rush, schedules were rearranged, and within days, we were en route to make this happen.

The journey itself was an adventure. Flight cancellations due to snowstorms, midnight departures, unexpected stops in Warsaw, Poland—all part of the whirlwind that led to finally reaching the location associated with the U.S. Army for the demonstration and briefing. The effort was worth it, as everything went incredibly well.

This wasn't just a one-day affair; it felt like a whirlwind week packed into a few days. From Europe back to the States, additional meetings ensued. It highlighted that winning government contracts isn't a simple process of submitting proposals; it demands proactive engagement, swift actions, and sometimes, even unexpected travel adventures.

Sure, it meant being away from family, investing time and money, but the relationships built and the feedback received made it all worthwhile. This glimpse into the life of a government contractor showcases that it's not just about writing proposals; it's about seizing opportunities, building relationships, and going the extra mile.

If you're venturing into government contracting or aiming to enhance your strategies, there's help available. Whether you're starting a business or seeking to improve sales figures, programs at cater to various phases, offering step-by-step guidance and tailored coaching to help navigate the complexities of government contracting.

And here's a sneak peek—we've got a book on the horizon! It's not just another resource; it's a practical tool designed to assist you in winning contracts across industries. Stay tuned for its release, and we might even have a special offer in store for you.

Remember, success in government contracting isn't just about what you put on paper; it's about the dedication, the relationships you build, and the determination to go that extra mile. Until next time, take care, and keep striving for those contract wins!


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"DoD Contract Academy helped us identify and win a spot in the AFWERX Challenge showcase! I highly recommend to all companies looking to sell products, services or a new technology to the US military."

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