DoD Contract Academy
Transforming Military Skills Into Civilian Success w/Forces Horizon

Transforming Military Skills Into Civilian Success w/Forces Horizon

forces horizon veteran employment veteran transition veteran\ Mar 21, 2024

This week, we sit down with Forces Horizon, a groundbreaking company making strides in leveraging AI technology to revolutionize job opportunities for veterans transitioning from military to civilian life.

What's This Episode About? Forces Horizon is pioneering an AI tool designed to match veterans' skills with the right job opportunities, helping companies discover the untapped potential of hiring veterans. Their technology interprets military experience in a language that civilian businesses can understand, facilitating smoother transitions for our service members and offering businesses a wealth of untapped talent.

Why Should You Listen?

  • If you're a business interested in how military skills can translate into exceptional civilian talent.
  • Veterans seeking meaningful post-service careers.
  • Anyone curious about government funding for tech startups and the competitive edge in the SBIR process.

Where to Find the Podcast: Tune in to our insightful conversation with Forces Horizon on [Podcast Platform/Link]. Discover how they're bridging the gap between military service and civilian employment, and why veterans might just be the best next hire for your business.

Bonus: Grab Our Book on Amazon! After you've listened, don't forget to check out our book, "The Government Contract Planner," by Richard C. Howard. Available on Amazon, it's a perfect companion for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of government contracting. Plus, leaving a review helps us reach and support more people like you.

Join Us: This episode is more than just a podcast; it's a mission to support our veterans in finding fulfilling careers and helping businesses recognize the invaluable skills they bring to the table. So tune in, be inspired, and let's make a difference together.

Thank you for your continued support. Let's explore the possibilities that Forces Horizon brings to our community and beyond.

Warm regards,

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Ray Sefrhans


"DoD Contract Academy helped us identify and win a spot in the AFWERX Challenge showcase! I highly recommend to all companies looking to sell products, services or a new technology to the US military."

$12.7M in Government Contracts