The Neuroscience of Winning Government Contracts: Secrets for Small Business Success With Teresa Evans PhD

#federalsales #governmentcontracts #smallbusinesssuccess #authenticrelationships #neurosciencetactics Apr 06, 2023

In this episode, former federal acquisitions officer Ricky Howard interviews Dr. Teresa Evans, Federal Sales Director for Tier1 Performance Solutions, as she shares her secrets for small business success in the federal government marketplace. Tier1 has over $53 million in government contracts won and Evans emphasizes the importance of building authentic relationships through selfless giving and seeking to understand and provide value to the government customer.

With a PhD in neuroscience, Dr. Evans brain-based federal sales strategy challenges norms and drives results. Teresa explains how authentic relationships and neuroscience principles can help small businesses form relationships with key decision-makers, influencene and win government contracts. With tips on transitioning from a small business to a large business and the positives and negatives of both, this episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to succeed in the government marketplace.

As an added bonus, companies can visit DoD Contract to have our team assemble a custom federal roadmap for your business based on the strategies discussed in this episode. Tune in to learn how authentic relationships, neuroscience, and a solid federal roadmap can help your small business make 7-8 figures a year with federal government contracts!

  1. #federalsales
  2. #governmentcontracts
  3. #smallbusinesssuccess
  4. #authenticrelationships
  5. #neurosciencetactics

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"DoD Contract Academy helped us identify and win a spot in the AFWERX Challenge showcase! I highly recommend to all companies looking to sell products, services or a new technology to the US military."

$12.7M in Government Contracts