Top-Secret Customer Acquisition Tactics That Deliver Big Results For Small Business!

May 01, 2023

Welcome to the DoD Contract Academy, hosted by Ricky Howard! In this exciting episode, we dive into the world of government contracting and explore the transformative power it holds for small businesses. Join us as we uncover the secrets to acquiring government customers and how it can revolutionize your business.

Government contracting is a unique realm that demands specialized strategies for client acquisition. We'll unravel the mysteries surrounding this process and reveal the key differences you need to know when targeting government customers. From navigating complex procurement procedures to understanding the specific needs and requirements of government agencies, we leave no stone unturned.

Discover how acquiring government customers can be a game-changer for your small business. We'll explore real-life success stories, showcasing how entrepreneurs have leveraged government contracts to propel their growth and achieve unparalleled success.

To take your knowledge further, make sure to visit, where you'll find a wealth of additional resources and expert guidance. Whether you're a seasoned government contractor or just starting out, this is the place to be for invaluable insights and insider tips.

As always, we encourage you to leave your questions and comments in the section below. Ricky Howard and the DoD Contract Academy team are committed to providing you with the answers you need to thrive in the government contracting landscape. Get ready to unlock the doors to new opportunities and transform your business. Tune in now and get ready to conquer the world of government contracting!

Listen to the episode at [insert podcast episode link] and learn more at



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Ray Sefrhans


"DoD Contract Academy helped us identify and win a spot in the AFWERX Challenge showcase! I highly recommend to all companies looking to sell products, services or a new technology to the US military."

$12.7M in Government Contracts